And coming to this post, well, I may not guarantee whether one can get over in seven days, but the title will not merely be an attention grabber, I tried to make complete justice to it. Here I go -
1. If you are the one who would like to spend a few days in solitude, then do this, catch a gaming freak among your friends, get the best of the dvds he has and start playing! The likes of FIFA, Age of Empires is what I recommend, as they really make you feel oblivious of the world around you, yes, your Ex too!
If you feel you can't go get a dvd, just open minesweeper, that'll do! But one thing, you have to play with a mind that would compete and not with the mind that would just play!
2. Turn off the mobile! If you feel that it is quite a big ask. Then keep it on. But go trek a place where a mobile network operator is yet to place his tower!
3. If you are the one who likes to read, then your problem's solution is just a book store away! Hop into a landmark or odyssey, get some works of Paulo Coelho. Start with 'The Zahir'. I need not mention the next book, you will know once you finish reading that.
4. Go the youtube way! Search for the most tragic videos on earth. You feel that what you are facing is no big deal. If not, watch more of those till you get that feel! :D
5. When you are looking for some unrequited love or happiness, try replacing that with some materialistic happiness! Yes, it works! Buy a new gadget, something of a camera, a music player. And for women - shop till 1. Your account hits three digits of balance 2. You reach your credit card limit! And about what to shop? I suppose the shop-aholic woman within you would know.
6. If you are the one who feels 'Love happens just once', please erase it from your head. After all, life is too short to love just one. ;)
7. Take up a hobby. Teach kids. That will make you feel a lot better. Try it. Get addicted to something, to the better things though.
They say, French for seduction, German for Engineering, English for Business, well what my point is, learn a language, that should certainly drive your enthusiasm.
8. Eat!! I mean, don't just eat to endure. Explore the best places for food in your city. Women - Don't worry about the weight you gain in the process, you are just adding up the few kilos you lost during the break-up phase!
9. If some old mushy stuff keeps haunting you, do the 'Jab we met' way. That really gives a feeling of a little triumph at least for quite sometime!
10. The last one. A philosophical note. Treat the phase as a passing shower than as a rampaging river! Oh! Did that sound a little too much! well, can't help it, after all, an ardent fan of Coelho here! ;)
PS: The addition of the 'Why am I single??' link at the beginning was just a shameless endorsement of one of my popular posts of the past! ;)
PPS: Breaking up and getting over is quite common these days. But still, I have seen quite a good number of people around me, who still treats it hard and some feel it as next to impossible! This post is actually targeted at those potential readers! Though the above said points aren't anything new, just because, even eagles need a push!
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